Thursday, 17 May 2012

Hangin' out with Hana and pancakes! :D

Haven't been posting much in long ting so, seeing as I just finished three exams yesterday, thought I'd stop by and post some shiz :) Saturday evening, me and ma lovely lady friend, Hana, hung out at her house. 
I drew a plan of where we live, in my comic, which is a fancy apartment above our juice bar/music lounge/comic book store/pretty clothes swap and shop store. Yep. There's a lot to it. We watched Dr. Horrible and then fell asleep to the sound of Scott Pilgrim vs. 
The World on the tv and a little kitty sleeping on my face/lap/neck. He moved about a lot. 
So yeah, next morning we decided to make pancakes for breakfast. Popped to the shops to get some eggs, came back and 
mixed up all the ingredients (flour, milk, eggs (duh)) and buttered up a frying pan to ladle the mixture in :D 
It was actually the first batch of pancakes I've ever made that didn't turn out like circles of almost omelettes....
But yep! Lemon and sugar on one side, nutella on the other. It was a beautiful bite of glory-ful deliciousness! We then played about with little kitty, Monty, and all I could do was giggle at the playful battle against my hand. It hurt like hell but kittens, dude...too freaking cute. 

We then sat upstairs and watched English learning, Japanese work out dancey videos (extremely weird but worth a watch), Girl's Generation and the Pon Pon Jpop girl. It was an explosion of Asian-ness.  
In the end, we decided that it was best that we get revising for up-coming exams. I went home and continued with the Philosophy revision. I think the exam went well. None of the questions were too hard and I mentioned everything I thought was necessary. Just gotta wait and see on the results. 

Anyway! Song of the day iiiiiiiis:

Ready To Go Steady by The Go! Team
This is band has to be on the list of my all time favourites! If you enjoy a mixture of marching band/lady rappers/charlie brown piano/
swinging 60s mo-towny blererfggh!! I dunno how to describe it but all you need to know is there is no other band I have found that sound like them! They have such an awesome uniqueness! So yeah! Go take a listen!

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