Monday, 28 May 2012


SO! I had been up all night waiting for Saturday where me and my good friend Emily, Katie and Jake went to London's MCM Expo at the London Excel centre. I've been going to this for like 3 years now and every time I go it's just the most exciting thing ever! When you get there, just about everybody is dressed up as their favourite characters from games, films, sci-fi, fantasy, cartoons and anime! I used to be in to a lot of anime and I still adore some aspects of it but now I'm more in to the film/American cartoon aspects of it really :) So! This year, I decided to go as Marceline the vampire queen from Adventure Time. She's super awesome rock and roll chick who is just SO COOL! The cosplay included me having to get up early and paint the top half of my body grey/white. 

After dressing up was done, Emily and her mum came by my house and gave us a lift to the station. Emily was cosplaying as Izaya Orihara from Durarara and looked super awesome. 

When we arrived at the station, of course quite a few confused stares from the public went my way but when we got to Bank and changed for the DLR we came across quite a lot of expo people.  It had begun! :D

We walked in to the Excel building and went to the queue. The first people we met was a Sailor Neptune cosplayer and a zombie dolly girl. Both of their cosplays looked awesome and we had a conversation on the failure of my fangs stuck to my teeth with bubblegum. I just didn't bother with them and took them out ): 

Me and Sailor Neptune conversed about the awesomeness of Marceline in Adventure Time and came across a Finn behind us in the line and a guy I am sure I had met a few years ago who danced with me and my friend to Peanut Butter Jelly Time. We were dressed up as jars of PB and J. It was awesome. 

So anyway! A little bit more in to the line, we came across my friends Brett and Ellen who had dressed up as Link from the Legend of Zelda. 
We had a little chat about how well their outfits had come out and before we knew it, THE LINE BEGAN TO START MOVING! THE TICKETS SALES BOX HAD OPENED! The whole room cheered and when we came out we met up with my friends Jake and Katie who had cat ears, paws and tails.
It's never a real expo without animal people! :D So first thing we did was take a walk about and by the time we got to Artsist Alley, I was spewing my cash all out on brilliant fan art, such as this awesome 3-D Adventure Time fan art and this hilarious My Little Pony and Loki crossover XD 


By the time we came back to the Tokyo Toys stall, I bought 2 boxes of Hello Panda biscuit bites and a pair of Totoro earrings. We then went outside for a chillaxing session in the sun and shade. By the time we went back in, Katie and Jake decided to go seeing as they had been there since the early mornings and it was getting quite hot and exhausting. We said goodbye to them and me and Emily went in to look for poster stalls.

Whilst I waited for Emily to get her posters, a random guy came up to me and said 'Marceline the vampire queen right? Verrry sexy' ;) I kind of stood there half flattered and half creeped out. AH WELL! She is a very sexy character. 

So whilst we wandered round i saw more and more shiz I wanted to buy. I came across Studio Ghibli's Arrietty on DVD OH MA GLOOOOB it was £15 and I only had £9 left. Then we came to a T-shirt stall and I saw all these amazing Adventure Time T-shirts for £20. It was so depressing ):

In the end, me and Emily decided to go outside cos the heat was getting to us. We sat outside for ageeees! We got up now and then and wandered about to see what was g'wanin about. We got some pictures with some other Adventure Time and Durarara cosplayers.

Later on, we found a conga line had started and we joined it and laughed at the confused faces of the norms who were on the green square across from the excel building. 

They were there for some swimming event at the dock river place and walked past all confused at the many cartoon characters walking about. By 4:30, the two of us sat on the steps just thinking ' yet. We shouldn't go yet.... no'. We just thought that if we left, it would confirm that the event we had been looking forward to for ages would be officially over until October. By 5:30, we took one last wander around and then headed back on the train with the confused, staring public and headed home. 

To finish it off, I went to a party to celebrate the hilarity of eurovision and their songs about partying and love. We got quite drunk and all in all, it was an awesome day. 
2 Songs of the day: Caramell by Caramelldansen and Party for Everybody by Buranovskiye Babushki. These two songs were only to sum up the day really :) Plus they're freaking entertaining!

Caramelldansen was what I was hoping would be played at expo but didn't hear it anywhere ): Usually, if you hear it playing, a large crowd of people run up to where the music is and start doing the dance routine. Hurr hurr, sounds super soppy but I think it kind of sums up all the expo lovers coming together and having fun really :)
I have no words for this other song apart from......that's eurovision right there ^^ 

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