Tuesday, 29 May 2012

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Monday, 28 May 2012


SO! I had been up all night waiting for Saturday where me and my good friend Emily, Katie and Jake went to London's MCM Expo at the London Excel centre. I've been going to this for like 3 years now and every time I go it's just the most exciting thing ever! When you get there, just about everybody is dressed up as their favourite characters from games, films, sci-fi, fantasy, cartoons and anime! I used to be in to a lot of anime and I still adore some aspects of it but now I'm more in to the film/American cartoon aspects of it really :) So! This year, I decided to go as Marceline the vampire queen from Adventure Time. She's super awesome rock and roll chick who is just SO COOL! The cosplay included me having to get up early and paint the top half of my body grey/white. 

After dressing up was done, Emily and her mum came by my house and gave us a lift to the station. Emily was cosplaying as Izaya Orihara from Durarara and looked super awesome. 

When we arrived at the station, of course quite a few confused stares from the public went my way but when we got to Bank and changed for the DLR we came across quite a lot of expo people.  It had begun! :D

We walked in to the Excel building and went to the queue. The first people we met was a Sailor Neptune cosplayer and a zombie dolly girl. Both of their cosplays looked awesome and we had a conversation on the failure of my fangs stuck to my teeth with bubblegum. I just didn't bother with them and took them out ): 

Me and Sailor Neptune conversed about the awesomeness of Marceline in Adventure Time and came across a Finn behind us in the line and a guy I am sure I had met a few years ago who danced with me and my friend to Peanut Butter Jelly Time. We were dressed up as jars of PB and J. It was awesome. 

So anyway! A little bit more in to the line, we came across my friends Brett and Ellen who had dressed up as Link from the Legend of Zelda. 
We had a little chat about how well their outfits had come out and before we knew it, THE LINE BEGAN TO START MOVING! THE TICKETS SALES BOX HAD OPENED! The whole room cheered and when we came out we met up with my friends Jake and Katie who had cat ears, paws and tails.
It's never a real expo without animal people! :D So first thing we did was take a walk about and by the time we got to Artsist Alley, I was spewing my cash all out on brilliant fan art, such as this awesome 3-D Adventure Time fan art and this hilarious My Little Pony and Loki crossover XD 


By the time we came back to the Tokyo Toys stall, I bought 2 boxes of Hello Panda biscuit bites and a pair of Totoro earrings. We then went outside for a chillaxing session in the sun and shade. By the time we went back in, Katie and Jake decided to go seeing as they had been there since the early mornings and it was getting quite hot and exhausting. We said goodbye to them and me and Emily went in to look for poster stalls.

Whilst I waited for Emily to get her posters, a random guy came up to me and said 'Marceline the vampire queen right? Verrry sexy' ;) I kind of stood there half flattered and half creeped out. AH WELL! She is a very sexy character. 

So whilst we wandered round i saw more and more shiz I wanted to buy. I came across Studio Ghibli's Arrietty on DVD OH MA GLOOOOB it was £15 and I only had £9 left. Then we came to a T-shirt stall and I saw all these amazing Adventure Time T-shirts for £20. It was so depressing ):

In the end, me and Emily decided to go outside cos the heat was getting to us. We sat outside for ageeees! We got up now and then and wandered about to see what was g'wanin about. We got some pictures with some other Adventure Time and Durarara cosplayers.

Later on, we found a conga line had started and we joined it and laughed at the confused faces of the norms who were on the green square across from the excel building. 

They were there for some swimming event at the dock river place and walked past all confused at the many cartoon characters walking about. By 4:30, the two of us sat on the steps just thinking 'No...no....not yet. We shouldn't go yet.... no'. We just thought that if we left, it would confirm that the event we had been looking forward to for ages would be officially over until October. By 5:30, we took one last wander around and then headed back on the train with the confused, staring public and headed home. 

To finish it off, I went to a party to celebrate the hilarity of eurovision and their songs about partying and love. We got quite drunk and all in all, it was an awesome day. 
2 Songs of the day: Caramell by Caramelldansen and Party for Everybody by Buranovskiye Babushki. These two songs were only to sum up the day really :) Plus they're freaking entertaining!

Caramelldansen was what I was hoping would be played at expo but didn't hear it anywhere ): Usually, if you hear it playing, a large crowd of people run up to where the music is and start doing the dance routine. Hurr hurr, sounds super soppy but I think it kind of sums up all the expo lovers coming together and having fun really :)
I have no words for this other song apart from......that's eurovision right there ^^ 

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Marceline cosplay

So, for London's MCM Expo this May, I decided to go as Marceline the Vampire Queen from Adventure Time. Out of all the pretty cartoon girls I've come across, Marceline is the coolest. 

I had already bought the dark blue skinny jeans, fangs, face paint and grey vest and ever since I got myself some red cowboy boots last october, I've really wanted to do this cosplay! Seeing as I already have black hair and it was ganna be freaking hot that day, I decided a wig wasn't necessary. So all I had to do now was make her axe bass guitar. She took her family axe and turned it in to a bass guilt cos she's just that rock star. 

So, me and my mum went and got some insulation foam from a DIY shop. I drew on the shape of the axe bass and then used a saw to cut out the shapes. We sanded it down, covered it in varnish and then left it in the sun to dry. I then gave it a coat of emulsion paint, mixed the red and browny red paints before painting it on, according to the picture i had. After I let that dry, I painted and drew on details to it and then painted juice carton caps silver for the dials on the bottom right corner and the pins for the top of the guitar neck and wire for the strings. I put in screws to attach the strings to it and stuck some shapes of insulation foam over them to follow the picture. I painted some other parts of it and then left it in the sun to dry more. In the end, it came out great and the day was lovely and breezy.....maybe a bit too breezy but it was super sunny and lovely :)

Song of the day:
I'm Just your Problem.
It's a song that Marceline is pretty much singing to Princess Bubblegum. I forgot how freaking pretty they made her. I might have to find myself her outfit to wear in in general. 

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Nice day today :)

So yeah, today I had a horrible history exam. WORST SOURCE QUESTIONS EVER! and what made it worse was that I actually forgot to read the 3rd Source O.O And it actually took me a full hour to finally realise it.....
When I got out of the exam, I went up to Ealing Broadway (closest towny place with shops etc) to get some cash out (for expo this saturday WOOP WOOP!) and then I went looking in WHSmith for the latest issue of the most loveliest magazine ever Oh Comely
They didn't have it so I asked my dad to drive me up to the only other place I was certain they'd have it!! Shipshape Studio.
D'aww I went in and the lovely craft shop lady, Emily, and I had a little chat about meeting at the Illustrators forum and the magazine and exams and stuff. She was even kind enough to have a check on her computer to see of any nearby fancy dress shops (I still needed to get some fangs for my expo cosplay). But there were no decent ones to be found ): 
Oh well! I was relieved to finally finish my History exam (however terrible it was) and meet the Shipshape peoples and finally get my hands on the Oh Comely magazine I had been waiting for for aaaages!! 
Song Today is: Marvelous Things by Eisley
and if you care to hear my harmony-ey, testy cover version which I was having a play with here ya go <---click right there for a listen :)

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Hangin' out with Hana and pancakes! :D

Haven't been posting much in long ting so, seeing as I just finished three exams yesterday, thought I'd stop by and post some shiz :) Saturday evening, me and ma lovely lady friend, Hana, hung out at her house. 
I drew a plan of where we live, in my comic, which is a fancy apartment above our juice bar/music lounge/comic book store/pretty clothes swap and shop store. Yep. There's a lot to it. We watched Dr. Horrible and then fell asleep to the sound of Scott Pilgrim vs. 
The World on the tv and a little kitty sleeping on my face/lap/neck. He moved about a lot. 
So yeah, next morning we decided to make pancakes for breakfast. Popped to the shops to get some eggs, came back and 
mixed up all the ingredients (flour, milk, eggs (duh)) and buttered up a frying pan to ladle the mixture in :D 
It was actually the first batch of pancakes I've ever made that didn't turn out like circles of almost omelettes....
But yep! Lemon and sugar on one side, nutella on the other. It was a beautiful bite of glory-ful deliciousness! We then played about with little kitty, Monty, and all I could do was giggle at the playful battle against my hand. It hurt like hell but kittens, dude...too freaking cute. 

We then sat upstairs and watched English learning, Japanese work out dancey videos (extremely weird but worth a watch), Girl's Generation and the Pon Pon Jpop girl. It was an explosion of Asian-ness.  
In the end, we decided that it was best that we get revising for up-coming exams. I went home and continued with the Philosophy revision. I think the exam went well. None of the questions were too hard and I mentioned everything I thought was necessary. Just gotta wait and see on the results. 

Anyway! Song of the day iiiiiiiis:

Ready To Go Steady by The Go! Team
This is band has to be on the list of my all time favourites! If you enjoy a mixture of marching band/lady rappers/charlie brown piano/
swinging 60s mo-towny blererfggh!! I dunno how to describe it but all you need to know is there is no other band I have found that sound like them! They have such an awesome uniqueness! So yeah! Go take a listen!

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Banana Blueberry smoothie thing

So today I woke up and went on the computer, checked out a load of vintage, cutesy, girly blogs and am now watching a lovely little 50s movie called Gidget. It's about a pretty tomboy girl who wants to surf. 

By lunch I had a yuuuummy sandwich consisting of chicken, bacon, turkey slices, lettuce, mayo aaaaand peanut butter. Yep. I like peanut butter in my savoury sandwiches. But what I made which was particularly delightful was a smoothie milkshakes thin gee. Super yummy yummy!!! 
So if ya wanna make it yourself, y'all need 2 bananas, blueberries, honey greek yoghurt and strawberry yoghurt, hazelnut soya milk and vanilla soya milk :D Oh. Plus a blender. That'd be helpful. 
So firstly pour about 1/4 each of the hazelnut and vanilla soya milks,
then break up and slightly mush the bananas and put them in with the soya milks, then add a 1/4 of the blueberries.

Finally, add a 1/4 each of the yogurts and blend. Done. Finito! Enjoy!

Song of the day= No Room For Doubt by Lianne La Havas
            (she was one of the support acts at the BBC concert)

Friday, 4 May 2012

Art finished, now revision and cba for illustratory thingees

I think I summed up a lot in yesterday's post but yeah. 
FINALLY! Art is finito until september :) I don't think it's sunk in yet that I have all this other revision to care about now. I've put in some effort for philosophy and with history we have to revise anyway or else we'll get shouted at or get targeted by disappointed looks. English and citizenship, however. Nope. Done hardly ANY...... Ah well. I'll be dropping English by next year and they said to get into year 13 they allow you to have only two grade Ds. It'll probably be them 2. 
Short post today but I'll be honest, it's cos I'm really not bothered to hassle about with a load of drawings and trying to put them in line with the text and shiz. Last post got me into a raging fit the fact that the pictures wouldn't go in the right places and would keep getting attached to the writing and turn everything into links and stuff. Eugh. So here. Whilst I drink ma pomegranate juice and watch Community I offer you one big picture.....in colour. Yes that's right. It's coloured in O: 
And yes it is referring to the Adventure Time phrase. The character with the short hair is girl SO YOU KNOW! The amount of times I've had to explain that she's a girl and not a boy :/ But yeah, this cow was all up in her biz and she had to punch the attitude out of it. Bitch cow. This punchy lady is called Eisley. Named after my favourite band and just cos it's the prettiest word to say, in my opinion. Her hair's short cos a bunch of school bullies cut it off and she escaped to Better World. A place where the abandoned imaginary friends go and where teenagers who find the new world they have to grow up in too hard to handle. I'll post more about it when I have the time. So! Song of the day = Lights Out by Eisley

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Art exam almost done

2nd Day of exam.  Hello peeps of the interwebs. I've come to the end of my 2nd day of the art exam and oh my jesus i'm getting very tired. I'm almost done with journal work so was able to leave my work at school and enjoy an evening of Summer time but yeah. Still got a quite a bit more to do.   
The first day was a good start. I had done a load on the background and today i am painting the second and last part of the painting till I will only have the border left to do and i have about an hour and a half to get them done in. After that, I have to stick some photos in my journal and sign a load of paper work and labels for all my art work.   
Then, I am FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.......free and......left to get on with revision for History, English, Philosophy and Citizenship.........*goes and cries in a corner*

I heard that the school is making us re-take Citizenship if we don't pass it but if they expect us to pay then HELL NO!
Nobody chose to do the blasted subject but seeing as we decided to go to this sixth form, it's compulsory and we signed an agreement at the start of the year. I would do anything to find a way to drop out cos I know for sure, I'm not passing that exam. I don't understand anything about laws, politics or government, only a handful of the stuff about right and left wing people (mostly right wing) cos a bunch of my friends either complain or prefer certain policies and shiz which they talk about.....I'm rambling. Ok. Well, I'll try to take a photo of my final piece to share with y'all and hopefully it turns out ok :) Next post I'll try to make saturday cos I know I'm ganna be exhausted by the end of tomorrow. Today's song I think will be........

Surgeon by St. Vincent. This lady is sick ting on den guitar strings ^^